Sunday, March 13, 2011

Alia's Party...

Yesterday we celebrated Alia's 2nd birthday!!  She was so excited to have a day that revolved around her.  All day, even after all our guests were gone, she was beaming from ear to ear.  Wade had a bit of a rough time with all the attention that she got, but overall he was pretty excited about the gifts she received.  He thinks they are his :)  Alia will be 2 on March 15th.  It's been a wonderful two years with this little girl.  She has a lot of personality and we love her bunches.

Alia's first present opening!

Time for pizza!

More presents...with Wade helping :)
Pretty hair accessories!!
Time for cake!
Alia's new place to get pretty!
And her new kitchen for her room....I think it's time to declutter a bit!

The pink "gator" as she likes to call it. 
And a second helping of cake..why not, it's my birthday!

So the girl got a little spoiled for her birthday.  :)  And now, I will continue to get her room reorganized and transformed into an official girls room where she can keep all this new stuff! 

A special thank you to our family who came to help celebrate Alia's special day.