Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ketchup Time

It's time to "ketchup" with what's been going on at the Zimmerman's.  We've been awfully busy since last Thursday and finally today I've had a chance to breathe!  Saturday we went to a movie and out with some friends for the night.  I wasn't very camera happy that night, so here's me almost dropping the cake that Leigh brought for us!   

   Sunday we had to go get the kids in Ames and then spent Sunday just trying to stay awake and do a few things around the house.  Clint and Alia did find some time to do this...all while Wade was sleeping. It's best he didn't know about it :)

 We also watched the Super Bowl (well I watched some of it) and then it was Monday.  I had a great birthday that involved all of this:

Flowers and Balloons at work

Birthday Cake!!!

Wishes :)

The kids trying to steal my wishes :)

And today Wade started session three of swimming lessons.  His usual teacher was out sick which meant there was a sub and he started with a few tears, but he quickly got over it and was scooping and kicking in no time. 

So, that's what we've been doing...hope you have a great week!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Happy Birthday #3!

Today is Clint's birthday so the kids and I did what we could to make it special.  I baked muffins in the morning (mostly because I was unprepared due to the snow storm this week) which the kids refused to eat. 

And then we had to scurry around for gifts, cake, signs, etc. the rest of the day.  Then we anxiously waited for Clint to come home:

And finally time for dinner and, most importantly, cake!!!

Happy Birthday Clint!  You are a wonderful husband and dad!!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

On Snowy Days we......

Play here:

And here:

And do this:

And this:

And finally, I give up and we do this:

Movie Day!!!

I am not complaining, I would much rather be inside on these snowy, cold days then having to be out running around.  However, it gets a little tricky when the kids start getting cabin fever :)  Luckily, we did get to swimming lessons Tuesday morning for Wade's final class of this session.  He has improved so much!  He even used the kick bar to float around by himself.  It's amazing to see him develop self-confidence in the water.  And here's his report card.  He still has to stay in the same class, but I think that's probably normal at 3 years old. 

Good Job Wade!