Sunday, January 30, 2011

We're Gonna Party Like It's Your Birthday....

Because January and February are filled with birthdays, we had another fun night out celebrating some.  It's rare that we get out much and to have gone two nights in a row, whew, is a lot of excitement for us.  Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa for letting the kids spend the night with them so we could have some fun with our friends! 

We started the night at the Iowa Energy game where Jenny's Superstars performed.  I have never been to an Energy game and the game itself, well, it was OK.  But it was still fun..something different to do.  After that we met up with some friends at some downtown establishments and had some fun.  There is a reason we  don't do that very often :)
Our was fun!
I imposed on Jenny's Birthday celebration...I don't think I'll make it out again for a long time!!! 

Saturday, January 29, 2011


There was a surprise party brewing up last night...and it happened!  Last night we went to celebrate (a bit early) Leigh's birthday with a surprise party that Shawn planned.  I must say, he did a good job and she was very surprised!  Her reaction was know the, what..wait..I know that person...oh and that person...oh $!@(*&($&!  It was great!  And even more surprising for her was that her Mom and Brother made the 8 hour drive from Minnesota to be there too!!  She saw them last (after standing in front of them for about 2 minutes) and was even more surprised!  I must say, I love surprises! 

I am still trying to figure out my new camera so most of my pictures turned out bad.  Hmm, maybe I should read the directions sometime.  Anyways, here's a few. 

We wish Leigh a very Happy Birthday!!!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Painted Toenails

Miss Alia let me paint her toenails the other day and she was pretty excited to show them off.  She was very interested when I was taking polish off my nails and I was impressed she sat still long enough for me to paint them!  They will probably be pink the rest of the winter..not sure she will let me take it off :) 

Also, yesterday we got to play outside finally!  The kids had to be all bundled up still especially since they have to walk through every inch of snow around, but they had a good time.  I managed to get my van vacuumed out too! 
Here's another funny picture I found.  Alia eating her muffins, having juice and most importantly, sitting with her Tinkerbell light. She loves that thing!

And last, last night we attended Wade's "conferences" at school.  Apparently he's a pretty good kid.  That's always nice to hear that your hard work in raising good kids is paying far anyways :)  We are proud of him and all the good comments he received from his teacher!

Have a great day!  We're off to play with some friends today! 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Happy Birthday!!

Today is Aunt Jenny's Birthday!  Wade and Alia send out a big Happy Birthday to her...we hope she has a great day!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Feature Film

The weekend has once again flown by!  That tends to happen during tax season when I am gone most of Saturday.  So far, it's been a good one though.  Friday night's "feature film" for movie night was Shrek - Forever After.  This was our first viewing so Wade sat still as a rock paying close attention and Alia sat with us for most of it as well.  It was a great movie night.  At our house, most people know that it's now a tradition that on Friday we order pizza, make popcorn, let the kids have soda pop (diet, caffeine free of course) and watch a movie.  It's super fun since Wade has really gotten in to watching movies. Some of "our" (well, Wade's) favorites include Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, Ice Age, Toy Story, Shrek, Monsters Inc., etc.  All the animated films...they are the best!

Saturday while I was working the kids spent some time at Grandma and Grandpa's in Ames and Clint went and bought a new truck.  A pretty exciting thing for him, he's really been wanting a truck forever and now he's got the one that he's always wanted!  I'm also excited, hopefully I'll get to drive it sometime because it's super cool!  Then we ran errands last night, ate Buffalo Wild Wings, and then watched the basketball game and Matt and Jenny came over.  It's always great to have company! 

So, today hopefully will be spent cleaning the house a bit and hanging at home with the kids.  It's too cold outside to be running around.  I'm looking forward to the warmer temperatures this week so maybe we can go outside and get some fresh air!! 

Happy Sunday and Have a good week!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Flying Books

After an episode of a flying book down the stairs last night, Alia woke up with a couple scratches on her nose and face.  I wasn't around to witness the event, but it sure doesn't look like it felt good.  But, it didn't bother her today so that's good.

We spent the morning running, Tango to the groomer, Target, The Playground, Lunch, back to get Tango, home for lunch and finally...crash!  It was really too cold to be out running around, but things need to get done I guess.  Tonight we're having lasagna for dinner (one of Wade's favorite he says) and I am excited for American Idol! 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

"Here Mommy"

I think it's time I start writing about all the cool things we have going on in our lives.  I came to realize recently that even though I am working a bit more now and the kids are doing a few more things, it seems as though we have a lot more "free" time.  That is probably to say just a little less "supervising" to the kids.  Wade has become very independent and he does a good job entertaining himself with toys, coloring, computer, etc.  Of course, he also still likes to have Mom or Dad play with him but he is also (usually) pretty good about playing with his sister.  Alia is also becoming independent...going upstairs by herself and downstairs or just letting us know if she needs something.  It's really great seeing them grow up!

Speaking of growing up, Alia has seemed to just pass me by.  With a few more things going on, it's hard to keep track of every little thing she is doing.  Lately she been putting words together and her favorite thing to say is "Here Mommy" and hand me something.  It's adorable and makes me smile!  She even said "Thank You Mommy" the other day and that made me really happy.  Of course, Wade always has to steal the thunder and say the same thing, as if it's so easy :) 

It's Tuesday today so Wade went to swimming lessons.  He has had an adjustment to these.  We've had more screaming/sobbing sessions than good ones, but today was a good one!!  He still has to hold on to the teacher the whole time but he is kicking, scooping, and actually talking to the teacher now!!  Wow, what an improvement since we started in November!  Hopefully he'll be ready for the pool this summer...because I know I am!