Sunday, January 23, 2011

Feature Film

The weekend has once again flown by!  That tends to happen during tax season when I am gone most of Saturday.  So far, it's been a good one though.  Friday night's "feature film" for movie night was Shrek - Forever After.  This was our first viewing so Wade sat still as a rock paying close attention and Alia sat with us for most of it as well.  It was a great movie night.  At our house, most people know that it's now a tradition that on Friday we order pizza, make popcorn, let the kids have soda pop (diet, caffeine free of course) and watch a movie.  It's super fun since Wade has really gotten in to watching movies. Some of "our" (well, Wade's) favorites include Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, Ice Age, Toy Story, Shrek, Monsters Inc., etc.  All the animated films...they are the best!

Saturday while I was working the kids spent some time at Grandma and Grandpa's in Ames and Clint went and bought a new truck.  A pretty exciting thing for him, he's really been wanting a truck forever and now he's got the one that he's always wanted!  I'm also excited, hopefully I'll get to drive it sometime because it's super cool!  Then we ran errands last night, ate Buffalo Wild Wings, and then watched the basketball game and Matt and Jenny came over.  It's always great to have company! 

So, today hopefully will be spent cleaning the house a bit and hanging at home with the kids.  It's too cold outside to be running around.  I'm looking forward to the warmer temperatures this week so maybe we can go outside and get some fresh air!! 

Happy Sunday and Have a good week!

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