Tuesday, January 18, 2011

"Here Mommy"

I think it's time I start writing about all the cool things we have going on in our lives.  I came to realize recently that even though I am working a bit more now and the kids are doing a few more things, it seems as though we have a lot more "free" time.  That is probably to say just a little less "supervising" to the kids.  Wade has become very independent and he does a good job entertaining himself with toys, coloring, computer, etc.  Of course, he also still likes to have Mom or Dad play with him but he is also (usually) pretty good about playing with his sister.  Alia is also becoming independent...going upstairs by herself and downstairs or just letting us know if she needs something.  It's really great seeing them grow up!

Speaking of growing up, Alia has seemed to just pass me by.  With a few more things going on, it's hard to keep track of every little thing she is doing.  Lately she been putting words together and her favorite thing to say is "Here Mommy" and hand me something.  It's adorable and makes me smile!  She even said "Thank You Mommy" the other day and that made me really happy.  Of course, Wade always has to steal the thunder and say the same thing, as if it's so easy :) 

It's Tuesday today so Wade went to swimming lessons.  He has had an adjustment to these.  We've had more screaming/sobbing sessions than good ones, but today was a good one!!  He still has to hold on to the teacher the whole time but he is kicking, scooping, and actually talking to the teacher now!!  Wow, what an improvement since we started in November!  Hopefully he'll be ready for the pool this summer...because I know I am!

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