Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Better Late, Than Never?

So, I suppose maybe I should update my blog since I know my loyal family likes to read it :)  I don't think I can sum up what we have all been doing in the last, oh, 3 months, so here's a few pictures:

Alia loves to play with her purses...and chapstick, lots of chapstick!

I ran Dam to Dam and the kids came to cheer me on with their bells!

We visited the Omaha annual tradition for us!

My favorite, the Flamingos.  Why, because they are pink I guess :)  Also, the flamingo in Gnomeo and Juliet cracks me up!

Alia got her first official haircut (she had a small cut earlier, no proof of that though :)

We have visited the beach!

With floaties! 
And have seen many parades so far this summer!  We have three bags of candy to prove it!

And we helped Aunt Jenny surprise Uncle Matt with Grizzly Bear :)

We LOVE the pool!

So, there's no way that sums up our last, well actually, 4 months, but that's a start. Look forward to more updates soon, including updates on my official marathon training! 

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