Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Painted Toenails

Miss Alia let me paint her toenails the other day and she was pretty excited to show them off.  She was very interested when I was taking polish off my nails and I was impressed she sat still long enough for me to paint them!  They will probably be pink the rest of the winter..not sure she will let me take it off :) 

Also, yesterday we got to play outside finally!  The kids had to be all bundled up still especially since they have to walk through every inch of snow around, but they had a good time.  I managed to get my van vacuumed out too! 
Here's another funny picture I found.  Alia eating her muffins, having juice and most importantly, sitting with her Tinkerbell light. She loves that thing!

And last, last night we attended Wade's "conferences" at school.  Apparently he's a pretty good kid.  That's always nice to hear that your hard work in raising good kids is paying far anyways :)  We are proud of him and all the good comments he received from his teacher!

Have a great day!  We're off to play with some friends today! 

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