Sunday, January 30, 2011

We're Gonna Party Like It's Your Birthday....

Because January and February are filled with birthdays, we had another fun night out celebrating some.  It's rare that we get out much and to have gone two nights in a row, whew, is a lot of excitement for us.  Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa for letting the kids spend the night with them so we could have some fun with our friends! 

We started the night at the Iowa Energy game where Jenny's Superstars performed.  I have never been to an Energy game and the game itself, well, it was OK.  But it was still fun..something different to do.  After that we met up with some friends at some downtown establishments and had some fun.  There is a reason we  don't do that very often :)
Our was fun!
I imposed on Jenny's Birthday celebration...I don't think I'll make it out again for a long time!!! 

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