Saturday, January 29, 2011


There was a surprise party brewing up last night...and it happened!  Last night we went to celebrate (a bit early) Leigh's birthday with a surprise party that Shawn planned.  I must say, he did a good job and she was very surprised!  Her reaction was know the, what..wait..I know that person...oh and that person...oh $!@(*&($&!  It was great!  And even more surprising for her was that her Mom and Brother made the 8 hour drive from Minnesota to be there too!!  She saw them last (after standing in front of them for about 2 minutes) and was even more surprised!  I must say, I love surprises! 

I am still trying to figure out my new camera so most of my pictures turned out bad.  Hmm, maybe I should read the directions sometime.  Anyways, here's a few. 

We wish Leigh a very Happy Birthday!!!!

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